The Room!

*eeric music plays in the background*

This is not some lame wannabe horror flick like what we have nowdays. I frankly rate current horror movies as a failed attempt to pull out a comedy =P they just suck that bad... Compared to the likes of "it" and the first few "chuckies" to name a couple of good ones...wait... scratch that, they don't even compare....

Wokay random rantings aside, Imma focus on what this post is really about. My current room at kt =)

Pictures tell more than I can with my limited vocab expressability =S
Side view from across the other end of a once-was-a-balcony-stretch

Now this is a sneak peek...

Shows roughly how much space I have to move about, like 2.5feet-ish x 6 feet-ish =S But I'm kinda cool with that =)

The busiest corner of my room =) (plz dont get overexcited wit ur imagination)

The view I get from my bed =)

This air vent are there because my room was actually renovated from the side facing the balcony or sth.... Now this thing, gives me and my neighbour-room-mate no sound insulation =P We could practically hear almost anything happening on the other side (again, plz dont get carried away wit ur imaginations).. And tweedy (nickname I gave to d person-next-room), I am listening *evil smile*

The view we can get from the balcony.. Its pretty cool actually, just my camera wasnt cool enough to capture the entire cool essence of the view.

Another un-cool shot... So yea, updated =D



Mel said...

looks cosy.. lol..